Tips Video Call Dengan Facebook

Ga mau kalah sama pesaingnya tersebut facebook menawarkan layanan baru yang disebut Facebook Video Call. Layanan ini gabungan antara skype dan facebook. Bagi sobat yang masih suka menghabiskan waktu di facebook mungkin layanan ini patut untuk dicoba.

Layanan ini menawarkan 2 hal yg baru :
  1. Group Chat
  2. Facebook Video Call

“Video chat has been around for years now, but it’s still not an everyday activity for most people,” Su from Facebook said in his post. “Sometimes it’s too difficult to set up, or the friends you want to talk to are on different services.

“For those of us who have been working on this, it’s particularly exciting to bring video calling to over 750 million people,” he said. “We’re making this available in over 70 different languages, so friends can stay in touch all over the world.”

In another Facebook first, group chatting is coming to the world’s most popular social network.

“Multi-person chat,” as Su called it in his post, has been one of Facebook’s most requested features.

“Now when your friends can’t figure out what movie to see, you can just add them to a chat and decide together,” Su said. “To include more friends in your conversation, simply select Add Friends to Chat.”
  • Yang di ajak video call harus udah instal plug-in facebookVideoCall, di browser opera saya coba ga bisa, tp di GoogleChrome sm mozilla bisa
  • Kualitas tidak berbeda dengan Skype dan tidak tertinggal. Suara yang baik, dan kata nya beberapa minggu ke depan, Facebook akan membuat Video Call otomatis tersedia tanpa instalasi.
  • Instal Facebook Video dan webcam dengan teman Facebook Anda sekarang! Bagaimana melakukannya?

Sangat sederhana langkah-langkah:
  1. Login ke facebook
  2. Klik link disamping ini:
  3. Klik Get Started.
  4. Jalankan melalui instalasi sederhana
  5. Dapatkan Anda 1 Video Call Facebook

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